What are your favorite plays?

What are your favorite plays?

Apr 24, 2023
There are so many! However, the one that stands out most in my mind for several reasons is Thornton Wilder’s Our Town.

The show is all about the human experience, and how one perceives one’s own life. It is set in a small town not unlike the small town where I grew up, and it reverently elevates the concept of a simple life, with meaning found in relationships and the everyday appreciation of our experiences on planet earth.

It was the first play I was cast in with a large role (as Emily), and during which I had the chance to work with a top notch director, who poured himself into coaching me. The rest of the cast was incredibly supportive, sweet, and beyond amazing. I learned so very much during the process. It was this experience that helped me feel I could hold my own on stage as an actress and not just a vocalist, because I was completely connected to the character of Emily and engaged in the moment while performing. It was after this show that I decided to become a theater major.

In general, I enjoy a wide range of plays, from farce to drama, though I am most drawn to pieces which have messages of hope or eternal significance. Our time on earth is so fleeting in comparison to eternity. In some ways that knowledge allows me to remember to focus on what is truly important (not sweat the small stuff). And in other ways I am inspired. I only get one chance at this thing called life; am I doing what I can to leave this world a better place? Reflecting on our priorities is one of the most transformational aspects of art.

You might say plays are like sermons: the good ones result in fantastic discussion on the car ride home.