What are your favorite plays?
There are so many! However, the one that stands out most in my mind for several reasons is Thornton Wilder’s Our Town. The show is all about the human experience, and how
What is something you saved up for as a child?
I was constantly saving for something. The first thing I remember saving for was a pair of ballet slippers. I was ten years old and had decided to pull a wagon at the big Carlisle Flea Market. I’d
What do you think is the meaning of life?
Oh my. Now we are getting DEEP!! Two thoughts immediately come to mind.
What was your Mom like when you were a child?
My earliest memories of my mother are when it was just the two of us. She was (and still is) very creative and so we did crafts together, and she helped make everyday events memorable, like the
What were your favorite TV shows growing up?
The show I most looked forward to seeing, and one that I’ll still sit to watch today whenever I have the chance is
What was your Dad like when you were a child?
Dad married Mom when I was 6. Even though it took me much longer than he would’ve liked for me to call him Dad, in my heart
Did you have enough money growing up?
I think we did! If we didn't, my Mom and Dad did a great job of making sure it wasn't something the kids needed to know or worry about. We always had a roof over our head, food on our table,
What is one of the most selfless things you have done?
This is a tough story to share because there are so many emotions (and a little bit of dirty
Who led you to your faith?
God’s been calling me since the age of 4. His call was put on hold for quite a while. Perhaps because I was raised amongst
How did you get your first job?
My first job was working at a youth conservation corps which was a program created by the county. I was 14 years old and in order to apply I was required
How has your life turned out differently than you imagined?
Perhaps it was because I just couldn't see myself growing old, or because I related to characters in plays who seemed to shine so brightly, but I really always thought I
Any vivid memories of grandparents?
In June of 1989, my Grandma Jo traveled from Michigan to New York for the occasion of my high school graduation. There is a picture (somewhere)
What family traditions did you have?
For our birthdays, we got to pick the meal that we wanted for dinner and also dessert. I usually picked Chicken n Biscuits and Lemon Meringue Pie (or sometimes Gingerbread with Lemon Sauce). For
What were your grandparents like?
Because my mother and father separated when I was quite young, and she remarried, I technically had three sets of grandparents. My experiences with them were all considerably different. When it comes
What are some of your childhood accomplishments?
There are some things in life that seem to come easily or even by luck (if I believed in such a thing). Then there are some things that come only because of a great deal of effort. My favorite ...